Home Immigration The German towns in Paraguay with a surge in European immigrants – BBC News

The German towns in Paraguay with a surge in European immigrants – BBC News

The German towns in Paraguay with a surge in European immigrants – BBC News

A BBC investigation has discovered that thousands of German nationals have migrated to Paraguay in the last 12 months to escape Covid restrictions and vaccinations in Europe.

But the pandemic is not the only thing driving this new wave of immigration.

Many of the new arrivals say they have become immigrants in Paraguay because they are uncomfortable with Muslim immigrants at home.

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  1. Islam openly instructs its followers to lie to non-Muslims. One of the many things that Muslims keep to themselves. This directive is called "Taqiyya".

    Other instructions (Documented in Quran), include:

    Surah 9:5: "Then kill the disbelievers (Kafirin/ non-Muslims) wherever you find them, capture them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush …".
    58: 4: "For those who reject (Him) (Kafirin), there is a grievous Penalty…"
    58:5: "And the Unbelievers (Kafirin) (will have) a humiliating Penalty…"
    2:221: (You can lay with, However) “You cannot not marry unbelieving women (idolaters)…"
    48:29: “Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. And those with him are ruthless against the disbelievers…”

  2. We must never forget that we all live on this earth and we must accept and respect each other no matter what skin color or religion we have. No matter if religion or tradition, living together in a country is difficult but we can do it.

  3. Ah, so there are scared, thick, nutjobs in Germany too.."I think immigration in Germany is a problem…so, I'll migrate to another country..because I don't like the conditions in my own country" And the stereotype is that Germans are logical…

  4. Not sure why the BBC is giving these egocentric, xenophobic hypocrites a platform to share their views.

    Impartial reporting is important for the BBC but sometimes it needs to take on the role of an educator. Especially when reporting on racially motivated and unscientific views, as these ideas erode the UK's racially diverse society and threaten the NHS.

  5. "I think migration to Germany should be regulated"

    Yeah, if the regulation she wants is also applied in Paraguay, she wouldn't be there in the first place. Freaking dummy…

  6. BBC what’s your point here? They are free people, they can move where seems good to them. Why you question this and not question moving of millions to Germany?

  7. I watched the spanish version of this documentary and here the german couple is portrayed in another way.
    The man said that german and muslim cultures do not mix well, because they have different values. But in Paraguay they see a place where they can connect with the local's values and actually raise their daughter in the way they want to

  8. The only country that get independance from the Spanish Empire without external help, only by their own way, and that don´t spend the whole day whining and crying about discrimination or life conditions. Respect to these Guaranis from Spain.

  9. So in my understanding they left Germany to Paraguay because
    They don't want to be vaccinated
    Second they migrated to Paraguay because in Germany there are two many immigrants and they became immigrants themselves in another country

  10. Nazism spreading globally and infiltrating top sections of society. Before very long the ethnic population will end up as second class citizens. Nazi colonialism. Paraguayans, read the story of ancient persian King Cyrus the Great, who was over tolerant and generous. Let's not forget how they escaped to South Africa and created the aparteid system to use and abuse and kill the host citizens after the had to flee following German occupation by Britain and USA. Since 1994, after South Africa got rid of aparteid large numbers of nazi Germans settlers left and went to Europe, New Zealand, Australia, Canada and UK and took their nazism wherever they went. Soon all your property and food prices will be rocketing and shortages of everything .

  11. In the South of Brazil there are many German, Italian, Ukrainian towns where they still speak their native tongue in everyday life. The weather is just perfect for Europeans, not too hot, like the country's north. Land is cheap, fertile and jobs are plenty for qualified bilingual candidates if you choose to live near major cities. The people are extremely friendly, happy, and welcoming.
    I'd say it's the best place to go if you're looking to flee the increasingly authoritarian autocrats in Brussels.

  12. Deutschsprachige sind auch in Siebenbürgen willkommen, wo es die letzten 800 Jahre immer eine deutsche Minderheit gegeben hat. Hier gibt es auch gute deutsche Schulen, Kindergärten, deutsche Zeitungen, deutsche Kulturveranstaltungen und die Siebenbürger Sachsen würden sich freuen, wenn ihre schrumpfende Gemeindschaft wieder ein bisschen aufgefrischt wird. Als EU-Bürger gibt es auch keine Probleme mit der Niederlassung und Wohnungen oder Häuser sind in Rumänien billig im Gegensatz zu Deutschland (nicht mehr so billig wie früher, aber doch um einiges günstiger). Für alle die auswandern wollen sage ich aber, dass man zwei Bedinungen erfüllen muss: man muss Deutschland gedanklich hinter sich lassen können, die ganzen Diskussionen und Probleme, die die Leute zum auswandern bewegen – bitte nicht mitbringen. Das interessiert uns hier nicht. Zweitens: wir sind in Siebenbürgen eine Minderheit, zwar mit einer langen Geschichte im Land, aber doch eine Minderheit und wir müssen die rumänische Mehrheit und auch die anderen Volksgruppen hier (Ungarn, Roma, etc.) respektieren, dazu gehört dass man sich zumindest bemüht auch Rumänisch zu lernen. Das ist auch nicht schwerer als in Paraguay Spanisch zu lernen. Auch wenn viele Rumänen in Siebenbürgen Deutsch als Fremdsprache gelernt haben, kann man nicht in ein Geschäft reinmarschieren und erwarten, dass die Verkäufer mit einem Deutsch reden, oder beim Arzt, oder auf einem Amt. Und nicht zuletzt sollte man sich auch für die Siebenbürger Sächsische Kultur interessieren, die nicht exakt die selbe Art von deutsch sein ist, wie in Deutschland. Wenn das zutrifft, ist Siebenbürgen sicher eine Überlegung wert und nicht so weit weg wie Paraguay.
    Wer aber hier eine Esoterik-Sekten-Kommune aufziehen will, oder andere westliche Spinnereien, der sollte nicht kommen. Wie gesagt, man muss zu einem Neuanfang bereit sein und nicht den Ballast mitnehmen.


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