World War 2 affected everyone across the globe in some way or another, but there were a small handful of countries that managed to avoid getting their hands dirty. Check out today’s epic video to find out which countries refused to pick a side in the fighting and somehow avoided WW2!
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Latvia and Lithuania's flags were switched
1:12 wrong flags
Éamon de Valera also controversially sent an official apology to Germany after hearing about Hitler's death.
Lol choose a side? no we were a British colony we had no say
You forgot iran poor country stayed natural and got invaded by ussr and British empire
1:10 why Latvia and Lithuania's flag were swapped?
So being neutral in a war is the best decesion. Got it
Hey, let’s just skip this world war.
You mixed up the Latvian and Lithuanian flags
13:22 wtf are those borders
1:12 huh is latvia now lithuania
1:10 the flags of Lithuania and Latvia are mixed up
I’ll never understand why Americans call Iran “I ran” it’s a country not an action.
Pronounced He-Ran like the Iranians call their country.
The maps in these videos are just…
Switzerland loses a war to France 500 years ago
Switzerland: aight, imma now be neutral like a mfer.
Afghanistan is one of the most war seen country’s to this day aka USA vs The Taliban that is over
Just so people know… Turkey didn’t join ww1 cause we had lost nearly all of our male population in the last war and were still recovering from it. Not just that, but we were also still settling down after becoming a democracy.
We didn’t even want to join ww1 when we were still a strong nation… so why should we join ww2 when we’re actually in a very bad spot already?
I love how he put the most contributing country’s in the thumbnail

It's strange that uk didn't wanted Germany to invade Poland in 1939 but they literally had 24% of the world under their control and they too committed atrocities against the people who wanted their independence especially india.
Infographics. You did forgot to mention that Portugal during WWll was a Fascist State. Under the dictatorship of António Oliveria de Salazar.
LOL you mixed up the flags at the start of video of Latvia and Lithuania ^^
You guys put the wrong flag for latvia and lithuania
Then why we call this world war??
breh you mixed up Lithuania and Latvia flags i would know this as i m Lithuanian 1:12 in the video
Mexico not important enough to be invaded
Switzerland: Hold my neutrality
17:20 clearly these are not in the right place, but, in any case, Portugal did not control Equatorial Guinea in the 20th century, Spain did.
1:07 you swapped the Latvian and Lithuanian flags
Portugal didn't join the war mainly because they didn't have enough resources and were still recuperating from wwi
I’m from India
1:10 the flags are in the wrong spots lol
I'm glad I'm on the neutral side in WW3.

So many mistakes in this
so these are countries where you would most likely start third world war as you know it, isn't it?
The R in Ireland is silent
Remain neutral was a good choice in my opinion.
Lot of excuses in the comments
guess it's hard when you can't just blame America
Cmon the Irish
Duude if you're doing videos, then google the flags of countries….. discusting
1:10 Lithuania has Latvias flag and Latvia has Lithuanias flag
Ireland was fully seperate during the second world War don't ever call us part of England
Fun fact: only netural continent on ww2 was south america
I think you missed the Netherlands lol
Sweden and Finland began their alliance with NATO Sunday May 2022!!!!
Switzerland just ended thier neutrality
Why is a british mosquito, a ground attack aircraft, dropping soldiers?
Ireland always seems to have a hard time remaining neutral on everything lol. It almost just seems like they want to do something, but they usually want to do the same thing the English do, so they're like "No, nevermind, we're just going to remain neutral."
0:02 I feel like the guy with the beard is meant to be John Krasinski.