Home Real Estate They're not even trying to hide it in Ukraine | Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris

They're not even trying to hide it in Ukraine | Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris

They're not even trying to hide it in Ukraine | Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris

President Biden asked Congress for another $33 billion dollars for Ukraine. Congress is considering evoking the Defense Production Act allows arms makers to jump the line of supply chains to take what they need to make weapons. President Biden will fly to Lockheed Martin’s headquarters to ask them to make more weapons faster. Do you see a trend here?

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  1. No one is asking: how will Ukraine pay this debt back ? It's in the hope that Joe and Hunter can do an asset grab of Ukrainian resources 😜 Look back to the debt the Weimar Republic had to pay for losing WW1… France had to pay the US; Weimar had to pay France (and other nations); and the US loaned to the Weimar to pay the French etc…the losers were the people of these nations, enslaved to pay these debts. Governments do the most evil on its people.

  2. "independent media" how quickly they forget that the Ukraine regime actually BANNED all independent media handing a monopoly to of state propaganda outlets to Zelensky's Oligarch far right backer. At the same time they banned all opposition political parties and jailed many of their elected members. Hypocrisy is out of control.

  3. And 11 millon living on the street in the US? WOW.! And Zelensky has 33 millons in a personal bank in Europe long before the invasion. Zelensky is a CRIMINAL he shelled his own citizen during 8 year killing 14,000 civilians, mean reason for Russian invasion.

  4. Cheaper to fund Ukraine than to put Nato troops in Ukraine. Talk to putin about being Anti war…… If you are Angiwar become a hermit, monk or nun or swami or guru…..

  5. Your absolute anti-war position is so important. As an anti-war activist since 1968, (I'm a member of Grandmothers for Peace these days), your voices are desperately needed. The stakes have never been higher. People are hungry for articulate, honest voices, like yours, speaking for peace. So glad I found your show.

  6. Ask yourself this, why is Ukraine top priority over the Flood of illegal aliens, inflation, & shortages??? Why did we abandon Afghanistan & jump into this conflict? Can't we take care of our own 1st???

  7. The only reason the US is fueling the war in Ukraine is because the Biden's have to many business interests there!!! We have to stop intervening in other countries problems and start solving our own problems at home!!!!!!

  8. Some will go to Ukraine the rest to Eastern European countries to help them economically because of the conflict . Just one question to Joey, WHAT ABOUT THE USA ECONOMY !! 😠😡

  9. Things economically going bad for Russia has ha ha . Russia Q1 economy even with SANCTIONS expanded due to the doubling of oil exports. The US economy contracted. SANCTIONS really working 😆😅🤭

  10. When President Eisenhower left office, he warned about the military complex, geeting to powerful. The latest one just look back at Iraq, they are still looking for those W.M.D. Also look at the propaganda we were told about Tonken bay in Vietnam. Our ship never was ataced.

  11. Thank you guys. 😔 😟 🙁 😥
    As Ukrainian I am gutted. Enough weapons. Stop fueling the war.
    Already nearly 30 thousand military personnel died from our side. It is crazy. Russia will not give up on Ukraine. Because majority are pro russians in Ukraine. ✋️ STOP FUELING THE WAR.

  12. I like your channel guys but it’s tough to get over the bashing you gave trump.
    Next time get over it. He played the president pretty well.
    What a mess now.
    And people with children and grandkids voted for these idiots.

  13. No foul, no penalty for impersonating a president.

    No foul, no penalty for forging a birth certificate.

    No foul, no penalty for usurping the presidency by a non-citizen.

    No foul, no penalty for manipulating the stock market.

    No foul, no penalty for treason.

    No foul, no penalty for destroying gov't documents.

    No foul, no penalty for lying to the American people.

    No foul, no penalty for Congressmen lying to Congress.

    No foul, no penalty for rigging the elections.

    No foul, no penalty for CENSORING any wing (R or L).

    No foul, no penalty for sending $Billions to UK and Ukraine.

  14. If Ukrainians are blessing Russian soldiers, for liberating them.
    And the Ukraine government has been said to supporting Nazis.
    Why are we funding them, and condemning Russia

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