Home Real Estate THIS IS VITAL FOR OUR OFF GRID HOME BUILD | Our Portuguese Farm Renovation

THIS IS VITAL FOR OUR OFF GRID HOME BUILD | Our Portuguese Farm Renovation

THIS IS VITAL FOR OUR OFF GRID HOME BUILD | Our Portuguese Farm Renovation

This week is all about getting things ready for us to move back onto our farm in Northern Portugal. We’re planning and preparing for our vegetable garden and to becoming self sufficient and braving the torrential rain to do it all!

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We are John, Tara, and Crusoe Newby. A family of explorers. Our ambition is to get our son Crusoe to over 100 countries before he goes to school. Please support us by giving us a thumbs up and making sure to subscribe to follow our adventures.

On and off, we have been traveling for over 20 years and have explored more than 160 of the world’s 193 countries, it’s been quite a journey, and now we are sharing our adventures weekly here on YouTube with new episodes EVERY SUNDAY.

Because we believe that lines across a map are more important than numbers in the bank.

Thanks so much for watching!!!



  1. Oh Crusoe🥰 My mom always said that there are people how needs to make a living out of making washing powder 😂

    See if you can borrow chickens and put up temporary fence were the gardenbeds will be. They will eat everything and poop it out to excellent fertilizer and you don’t need to till and then if you want you can put a layer of cardboard down and a thick layer of wood chips around the beds. A tip is to watch james prigioni when hi lays the foundation to his new food forest. I don’t remember where I saw the chicken thing but it was on YouTube. They have a small chicken coop on wheels and a very temporary moveable fencing. It’s super effective 😊 you do what you want of course but it is always good to know the options 😊

  2. Please check out a fellow Portugal couple on MAKE. DO. GROW. Kylie and Guy planted their garden no dig and dig right next to one another because they wanted proof on which system works best. At the end of the season, they weighed the harvest and assessed the effort. No dig won. They have videos on this topic.

  3. You don't need to til. Just use cardboard, and build raised beds on the site of the cardboard. Use tree branches and other organic matter in bottom of raised bed, topped with a mix of soil and well rotted compost. With good watering, raised beds work well in hot climates. There is no need at all to til the soil first.

  4. My sister used a playpen in each room she was renovating, where she placed such things as tape measures, bottles of cleaning and degreasing liquids, nails etc. Her then two year old could be in the room with her but could not access any of the work kit. My sister thus could crack on with some jobs whilst alone with the toddler, during the times her husband was working. Otherwise, she was always 'losing' something. Storing all the stuff in the pen also put potentially dangerous chemicals out of reach of the toddler for the time they were not locked away.

  5. The no dig method depends on compost. If you can find a source of tons of the stuff then no dig is great. I would do a bit of both if you have some compost. Also growing potatoes in straw is a great way of improving the soil for other crops.

  6. Oh, John! The Plumbing Gods were really testing your limits! Be honest though, you'd rather be sploshing about in the puddles than bent double under a sink, especially if it was smelling that badly! 🤢
    The difficult – easy balance will shift in your favour soon I'm sure and things will come together as nicely as they did when you first arrived on The Farm I'm sure! 🙂👍🍀
    In the meantime, I hope you can keep hold of the tape measure now it's off leaf duty 😉🍂
    *Hugs * to you all x

  7. I like your enthusiasm but to rip out the whole sink was maybe a little to much. I would have bought a new sink system and a new tap … probably about 60.00 to 80.00 Euro and the fix made in 20min. ….

  8. Crusoe is a pip! Makes me remember running thru puddles and running around in my bathing suit during a rain storm. He is just a joy to watch. Looking really good. Progress is fabulous. Happy holidays from Florida.

  9. Also you have several large roofs.
    Collect the water from roofs to large plastic tanks 15-20,000 liters. Very large plastic tanks.. They fit on pickup .. have pipes go down and from down spouts…use for shower – toilets… Filter system + UV filters…

  10. Yeah.. That's a serious problem.
    He could pick up a saw or drill or something.. Or pick up a chemical..
    Perhaps you should have wife keep kid away.. and lock doors, disconnect stuff…. Being around dust and particles is not good either.. proper masks and kit ..
    Lock doors…

  11. You could go with the cardboard and compost method. Keep the grass clippings for composting. Huw Richards is a good guide to no dig. He has done everything, experimenting to see what works best. Good luck.

  12. When fitting new taps install isolation points under the sink so you can turn off the water should you need to do any maintenance/repairs in the future. The kitchen is coming along nicely. For kitchen design alway remember the kitchen work triangle: sink, fridge, oven. With ovens it’s good to have space nearby to put things down when you get them out of the oven.

  13. Sory to pull you up, but I feel sorry for poor Josè . He kept saying his ame wrong. In Spain they pronounce their Js as Hs hence your pronounciation of the wordJosè as Hoezay. In Portuguese the J is pronounced as such not as a H. I notise you say Joao right. Please give Josè the same respct. 👍

  14. no need to till…just do rise beds…easy to manage, and if you do the foundation of the soil right, u will have less water usage (time saver), manage weeds better and u can cover them in case of critters coming to eat …

  15. Well that took me back many years of little boys taking tools. Crusoe is such a treasure, savour each moment, they grow up too quickly. Gosh there are some lovely shoots of your property, thank you. Looking through the trees by the stone table almost looked from a world long ago. Those kitchen cupboards look nice, similar to your ones in your UK house. It is such a difficult time renovating with two small children, but hang in there. take care lovely family.

  16. Boa Tarde Newby Family! 
    We're very much enjoying watching your journey here in northern portugal. We too chose Amarante to settle and are finally doing a house renovation too. We're a husband and wife team and about a year into our project. We're about 3/4's of the way through now and are only too aware of the problems of sourcing the right materials, language difficulties and everything else that comes with it. We've been here a good few years so if we can help you guys in any way please do let us know.

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