It’s been one year since we toured our off grid land for the first time. Take a walk with us as we talk about the homestead, what we’ve learned and where we plan to go from here.
0:00 – One year since we found our land
0:55 – First thoughts?
2:21 – National Forest Land
5:08 – Language of “our land”
7:41 – Worst enemy and best friend
12:37 – Going forward
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Freshcap Mushrooms (use “ELSA” for 15% off)
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Drink Frother tool:
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That’s a beautiful bit of the Earth you have there.
I very like your philosophy of being stewards, and working with the land and the elements.
Looking forward to your future growth, and ‘improvements’ to the property.
Positive Vibrations
Living the Dream!!!
Do you have a drone to show your land, mtns, etc. NSEW directions? That would have been cool to see from overhead when y’all were up in them, a month or so ago. Just an idea.
You should really investigate wind power electricity
Tyler and Todd have been building a similar off grid property in Canada. They have a geo dome too. You should check them out.
Get some wind turbines and harvest that wind for power
I love how you guys address the "problems" like sun or wind as just a simple adjustment to learning how to live on your homestead without changing the natural beauty of it. The wind can be your best friend with energy production, even having the house facing a particular direction to help shield the wind from a very common walkway or anything to can help. So much potential!
Very nice folks thank you for your share
Permaculture design

Congratulations and thank you for the tour. Y'all (I'm Texan and will never say "you guys") are still very young at age 30. You should be proud of yourselves how how far you've come in such a young age. There is a huge chunk of the United States that are not able to save up or live the life you have shown us. I'll be 40 in a few weeks I don't even know very many 40-year-olds that can pay $100,000 in cash and have that kind of money saved up. The reality is that it's very hard out there to save up when you're living paycheck to paycheck. But you two were resourceful, smart and got on social media at the right time to help elevate and inspire others…and Im sure the tube income helped
I'm excited to see what comes next for you 

hello, ive been asking folks if you all could pray for Gods kingdom the paradise to come. and help me in spreading the goodnews of Gods kingdom the paradise. the bible says we can save both ourselves and those who listen to us. ephesians chapter 6 says to open our mouths and speak with boldness the goodnews. and theres a happy ending in revelation 21:3,4 look! the tent of God is with mankind he will be with them and they will be his peoples he will wipe every tear from our eyes and death will be no more neither will mourning or outcry or pain be anymore the former things have passed away. PLEASE PLEASE PASS THIS GOODNEWS ON TO OTHERS AND REPENT SO GOD CAN HEAL YOU. AND HAVE INTENSE LOVE FOR ONE ANOTHER AS GOD HAS SAID. thanks sincerley
Very happy you've found your place. Yes, it's very rare to find affordable land adjacent to land where no one can build. So you guys must be doing well on Youtube. Can you tell us how much you are making from sharing your intimate details about your day to day life from Youtube? Can you explain how that is exactly done so we don't have to do the research. Since we see you here and hear about your life, please fill us all in on how one makes money doing what you do. Thanks!
Have you heard of Permaculture? It sounds like you’re thinking a lot about many key elements about it. It goes beyond just sustainable agriculture!
I don’t understand why you would think addressing this property as your land would be offensive to some people. I am so happy for you both. And think your land is beautiful. Best of luck .Stay safe, be careful and Keep on rolling.
Go with the flow x
i'm thinking a Frank LLoyd Wright style house
I'm thinking harness that wind-wind turbine and solar
It is already so beautiful, but I cannot wait to see how you both evolve and grow with this journey!
Such beautiful land!!!! Can't wait to see what y'all build!!!
I am so envious of where you're at (I really miss Colorado), and I understand that feeling you're talking about when it comes to the "ownership" of the land… If it helps, you can refer to yourselves as "stewards" of that 40 achers. You need to find ways to cohabitate with the elements, and I have LOADS of ideas on how to do that too if you are interested.
Love you both and what you stand for, how you are living your lives! Thank you for sharing. BTW – have you watched the YTube Patagonia documentary about saving the Public Lands? It is an hour and a half long but worth every second. When I see your videos it reminds me of that video. Do check it out if you haven't. Its called the "Fight for American's Public Lands". I get pretty emotional watching it.
Take advantage of the wind with a small wind turbine. Though that has probably already been suggested.
Hey guys! I have a squatters camp on crown land, I really appreciate what you say about the sense of wild and no neighbors. Hi Campie!
Love your land
. I’d also love to see you guys collab with living big in a tiny house or some other similar channel.
Learning the land seems to be an important part of the process. Having land to tend to has been a ridiculous amount of work. I make before/after pics (I'm a visual person) & seeing the transformations are very satisfying. Working towards being a good steward is another privilege I cherish.