Home Real Estate We Moved to Portugal


  1. Welcome!
    Why on earth you didn't flew to Porto instead of Lisbon?
    I understand why Guimarães. The food is brutal in the north of Portugal. You have to try Sarrabulho, Rojões, Cabrito Assado, Lampreia (in Spring). And for desert: Pudim Abade de Priscos, Lampreia de ovos and an endless list egg based deserts. And… fly from Porto and to Porto if your base is Guimarães.

  2. Love this! I feel like this is how most of my travels go. I'd love to see a video on why you moved and how you made your choices. I've always thought about relocating but just never got past step 1.

  3. Being from AZ….I assume you went through the SF consulate. How was your experience with them? Did you have to go in person? How long did it take to get your visa? I am assuming it was a D7. Thanks for any help…we are scouting in the spring and if everything goes to plan moving in Sept. or so. We don't know anyone else who has done what we are planning, so any advice or help would be appreciated. Good luck…..you picked a pretty part of Portugal.

  4. man i wold love to see you in Serbia and take you to try food nd drinks n shit, idk what you heard about serbia or generaly about the whole Balkan (since the media always pushes some stupid agenda about some countries especially in the usa) any country you decide to visit in the Balkans u wont regret in terms of cheap and good food and u will most defenetly have a blast….hope our paths cross one day Scubes!

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