Qatar has trapped people in its country, and now they’re hiding them from view.
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Thank you to the experts we spoke with that helped with our research in this story:
Mustafa Qadri from Equidem –
Isobel Archer from the Business & Human Rights Resource Center –
Thank you again to Goma Magar, Bikram Tajpuriya, and Sushil in Nepal for sharing your stories.
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Johnny Harris is an Emmy-winning journalist. He currently is based in Washington, DC, reporting on interesting trends and stories domestically and around the globe. Johnny’s visual style blends motion graphics with cinematic videography to create content that explains complex issues in relatable ways.
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We were working on this up to the minute of publishing it. It was all playing out in real time. So forgive me if there’s any bugs or glitches in the edit. also for anyone who wants to help support this kind of journalism when corporations won’t check out our Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/johnnyharris
Love your content Johnny.. I am from Kenya and I see how thousands of young women travel to the gulf countries for employment and rely pity them ..could you please do a video on why African as a continent is still poor even after indipendence.
Do a video on China and how they are forcing Muslims to work for free and make them drink and eat alcohol plzzz
It is total slavery. I know that people who came to Doha might not live better than they did in Qatar. But when you hire people to do work for you, you have to treat them well. that's your duty, it is not optional.
a) Been to Doha and you're accurate. b) You're a little dramatic with your face palms shots. c) Who is the hot chick with the freckles?
Thank you for this documentary, very interesting. Tourists should stay away from such countries.
But you complainers are happy to live in gulf countries and enjoy lifestyle and tax free incomes. If you feel so strongly why dont you protest to your government. Is it because they make huge money from selling to these countries? Once you get your money and no longer need them suddenly your consciousness wakes up and you realise all about rights.
I worked in Qatar for 5yrs and I stayed in industrial area, barwa labor city and Al wakir. I lefte in 2019 march. I know the good and bad side of Qatar
I lived in Qatar in the late 80s and 90s. It’s full of very discriminatory practices based on race and economic background. There were multiple times poor people of my own race would approach my family for help to escape their plight because we were well off and lived in one of the best neighborhoods that housed white collar workers that worked for the royal family. We lived like we live in America, but the minute we left the special compound that was zoned for us, the quality of life dropped steeply. The most shocking among the rescue requests my family carefully handled was a woman whose passport was taken from her as as part of her “employment” as a maid. Clearly she had been abused because her skin had welts and burn marks from cigarettes. It wasn’t just Qatar. The whole Middle East with their oil money are quite horrible unless you’re rich. I don’t know why the rest of world continues to reward these people when they treat others so badly. Ive only even driven EVs every since they were an option. I feel awful that our government even allows investment from these people in American businesses when they have such horrible moral values of their own with no intentions of changing anything.
And Qatar’s state media Al-zazeera will never expose their masters. Yet show how usa India Israel are oppressors
simply put Qatar is effed up. So is Saudi and all those little countries. Don't tell me to respect their way of life when it's antiquated and slavery is legal. As an American men and women are equal We both may not necessarily like itBut it is what it is and it's better.
Why didn't you connect with Indians in Kerala who returned back? Also why are you categorically excluding India as a source of labour. It is what it is. Journalism should seek the truth, not be diplomatic
The world also know what is happening in the Europe and america & their hypocrisy. They are jealous because Qatar is a Muslim Country and they are arranging FiFA world cup. That's why this type of propaganda is spreading
Until every western country returns what it stole from the countries they colonized you have no right to lecture us because even you personally have benefited from what your country took from us. Any resources stolen from us that ended up benefiting your economy, education or healthcare benefits you. Until you return that and apologize, then save your lecturing to yourself and to your broken society. We're not interested. (Of course we can't forget the slave labor you kidnapped and shipped around the world)
Don't watch the world cup, Boycott it, Otherwise nothing will ever change. I'm guessing most people will act all shocked and horrified but will hypocritically continue to sit and watch the football in stadiums literally created by slaves.
I think you're jealous
They said it's just a western propaganda 🤠
If Johnny ever went "missing" you know who was behind it. Major props to you for outing such an ugly authoritarian government.
Amazing job Johnny!! I’m glad that journalists still has hope!
So informative. thank you for your engaging work!
Yes, Qatar The Most Luxury Country In The World. I Love It 😍😍
Ok this footage is great but how did you not immediately know what the “industrial zone” meant? It’s obvious
This is incredibly similar to the neoslavery of the United States in the late 1800s and early 1900s
Set up a go fund me page for some of these families or something so they get the donations direct. Can we do it?
I wish we had people like you covering our situation in iran