Home Real Estate Winter on Fire: Ukraine's Fight for Freedom | Full Feature | Netflix

Winter on Fire: Ukraine's Fight for Freedom | Full Feature | Netflix

Winter on Fire: Ukraine's Fight for Freedom | Full Feature | Netflix

In just 93 days, what started as peaceful student demonstrations became a violent revolution. Netflix documentary Winter on Fire brings you the story of Ukraine’s fight for freedom from the frontlines of the 2014 uprising.

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Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom | Full Feature | Netflix



  1. It's gut-wrenching to watch the struggles that we've heard about so much over the past few months. This film shows how much Ukrainians have gone through, and continue to go through as of today, to fight for their right to live free in a democracy. Thank you to Katheryn Winnick for suggesting this amazing documentary. Slava Ukraini!

  2. Ukraine should have been split into 2 separate countries. It's going to end up like that anyway, it wouldn't be the first time in history, right? So they might as well have done it without any blood being spilled.

  3. К большому сожалению Netflix не показал страдания и стойкость жителей ДНР и ЛНР на протяжении 8 лет . Будто бы люди в этих республиках не хотели быть свободными , не хотели жить. Весьма лицемерно показывать одно , и умалчивать о другом

    А может быть Netflix ещё сделает документальный фильм о том , как США бомбили Сербию (Белград), Ирак (Мосул), Хиросиму и Нагасаки? Или это другое ?

  4. It reminds me of Black Lives Matter. “I was given a call and told to come to Maidan”. But why she came to Maidan? For what reason? What was the goal she had no idea 🤷‍♀️

    This is the future of today’s youth. Don’t know where they go. No direction or purpose. Just be there where they ask you to be and envelope yourself with a flag. Utter idiocy!

  5. As I am watching this documental I am asking myself, why in a so called peaceful demonstration there were civilian militias in them? A peaceful students protest does not have militias. This was clearly a coup to a government that they had elected. Here in Canada the truckers wanted to do the same to overthrow a legitimate government that I didn't vote for. Freedom and Democracy are not accomplished by this kind of violence. Nationalism is not Democratic at all. I have seen students demonstrations in many other parts of the world but never had militias and foreigners fighting on the street for their freedom….whose freedom? there are foreign hands guiding this people (USA and the EU), that, I am sure of. With this type of violence on their part the people of Ukraine should have expected how the police and the government was going to react. Ukraine for I had read has always been a tumultuous place to live. Never happy with what they have. Always fighting for their so called Freedom and Democracy and to this day it elude them… Soon they will find out Zelenski is not their saviour and they will turn on him too. That, sadly had been the history of Ukraine for centuries…

  6. You are also working for those who have wanted to implant their own narrative. NATO! Why don't they talk about the thousands killed by Ukraine for 8 years, and the AZOV battalion!
    They want to impose their own information and narrative on us.
    They won't fool us the same way again!

  7. The best documentary I have ever seen. Unmatched in how much it was informative, inspirational, and intense. It has given me the impetus to put together an event to get this film showed at my college. Again cannot express enough how much this documentary impacted me

  8. The information is biased. Recommended the Oliver Stone production and other documentary to understand the big problem we have now. It´s very important for a good documentary to show all the context of the situation, and this one doesn´t make it.

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