Some of the best countries to visit, relocate to, or retire in – we talk about them in this week’s video. Now more than ever, Americans are leaving the USA for a better life abroad. Whether you are searching for adventure, a higher quality of life, a lower cost of living, or a different political landscape, you’re not alone in the change you seek.
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0:00 Intro
1:55 Quality of Life
2:40 New Zealand
4:27 Netherlands
6:08 South Africa
7:44 Honorable mentions
9:03 Costa Rica
11:28 Outro
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If I was to pick any country in Latin America would be Mexico
by far !
You lost me when yoo said one of the reasons folks were leaving the U.S. was because of Roe Vs Wade……..REALLY?
New Zealand is going through some political upheavals right now so take into account the political climate no matter what your priorities for migrating are…common sense. cheers!
What?! I missed a VIDEO?! ( slaps forehead).
Hey guys, just watched all your Columbia videos and most of your Panama ones, just subscribed. I am planning a move from Florida to either Panama or Columbia. I am retired military and spent some temporary duty in Panama in the 90s. I planned on moving to Panama in December, but Columbia has caught my interest. I will travel to both soon and compare but wanted your take on which of the two countries you prefer for retirement? I am a single male, well-travelled, street savvy. Thanks for your reply.
Love this!
Hey, how about Columbia? Thanks.
good video ,I would not of thought of New Zealand, The Netherlands ,and South Africa .I'm sending you prayers for health ,prsperity and success .I watch other Youtubers they all have different levels of success .I saw a video on how they earn income and it isn't easy. You have to have a lot of subscribers plus views ,plus ads and sponsers ,plus members and or Patreon.
Portugal and Mexico on on my list to jump to by 2024; Mexico City and Lisbon to be specific.
Do you not know that the entire earth was given to your ancestors? The Israelites/Negroes are God’s Chosen People scattered around the world and the Bible (which is not a religious book) says that the Most High Almighty will return his Chosen People back to their land and they will be at peace. Read your History Book (which is called the Bible today) and you will discover your true identity and the lands that the Most High Almighty gave the Israelites.
Loved my trips to SA. Capetown is amazing, but so is the rest of the country. Favorable USD exchange rate, english speaking. Def make your way there!
Hey fam! Enjoyed this video as usual very informative
I think you should consider the lockdowns these countries imposed. New Zealand had very strict lockdowns
we definitely need to have a realistic talk. It's time to go. Thankyou for keeping positive inspiring content. I want OUT
I am in the Philippines now and I've been here for a few months. Many people speak English, super low cost of living, beautiful beaches, and lots of delicious food. I like Cebu City sense it has a lot of the comforts of the US, but I went to El Nido, Palawan and man… it was beautiful! Highly, highly recommend it!
Thanks for this great list. I love all of your videos. I'm also intrigued by Uruguay. It's supposed to be very liberal, with less inequality than most countries, and a good healthcare system. I've heard there is a thriving music scene in Montevideo, plus great beaches, but not the cheapest place to live. Have you ever visited there?
We just got back from Peru, you have to go

This is great! You tapped in on a few countries I would want to stay and live in the distant future (Portugal & South Africa) thanks for the informative video.
Well for the netherlands he air is not as pristine as you might think , there is a big discusion going on about that and welll made some farmers extremly angry , as over population means a lack of housing , lack of housing means high prices , new housest to be build increase co2 , co2 is one of the things that need to be cut , and farmers are turned in to an escape goat .
As the netherlands get around 100.000 aplications asylom seekers , refrugees the number of houses and population keeps increasing so more powerplants are needed , as another group want to cut the production of one of the europes largest gas fields to nothing and companies like google microsoft etc had build data centers that not only swallow all the renewable energy but also polute the drinking water . They want to fire up old coal powerd powerstations to make up the deficit in power .
Producing even more CO2 and other nasty stuff . The dutch goverment not that popular at the moment and in paricular the so called green parties. that couse it .
You migth have seen the farmers protest.
The netherlands is over populated , and this is a fact .
I wish I was young enough to live in a different country. I lived in Turkey for 5 years. Loved it. Minorities are accepted there. America could use some of their acceptance. I fell in love with Singapore. People of every color live in that environment. Loved it. I hear New Zealanders are pretty racist. I’ve been to Australia. Heard the same about them. I was not impressed with Australia. Nice place to visit.
BIG UP ! ! !
It's nice to hear you folks discuss living overseas as compared to "Nomad Capitalist" who seems to have the malignant libertarian anti-tax disorder suffered by most phony libertarians.
Just popped in to see where you all are at, EXCELLENT informational video! – Anne
Another great video! I really enjoyed the intro
For me it's really about finding the place with the imperfections that bother me the least, if that makes sense? As you said the perfect country doesn't exist… In Europe I'd personally consider Portugal and Switzerland and in Africa, I'm quite curious about Botswana and Mauritius (Mauritius has a digital nomad visa).
Great video and informative. Thanks again! Stay safe
Love that list, many of the lands that I have interest in were on it. Thanks you two!
Perfect timing: Just got home from work – sat down to watch the news, and NBC did a "special" (13 minutes long: eye rollin') on gun violence. I'm so done. Thanks for the vlog.
No Colombia mention? I’m interested to know why considering your experience living there, the new govt and the cost and quality of living there?
My sista and my brotha, I love y'all so much

Thank you. This was very informative and the production was stellar

I can certainly understand people leaving the USA…….I was nervous there as a visitor…keep well
The Prime minister of New Zealand is horrible and The Netherlands are having major Protests
God content
If you beautiful positive uplifting spiritual ppl
Get to AFRICA look me
Dr Henrik Clarke Rim
I’m going BLK to land of my DNA AND MAAFA ANCESTORS
AFRICA is …utopia

Happy travel’s
Try the Philippines, I spent 6 months there in 2017 and enjoyed the English speaking environment and genuinely friendly and open culture. Check out Boracay and Cebu i yo like the beach and scuba diving.
Great video! You mentioned both countries I have to do scouting trips on for (semi) retirement. JoBurg and GDL check so many boxes for me. I wouldn’t have to work 2nd shift in GDL, but SA is on the continent I want to retire on. A colleague just told me he’s working in Turin, Italy! The world is wide open, time to see what it has to offer!
I’ve been subscribed to your channel for a couple of years and enjoy them. I noticed that in this video you said whether a country was “liberal” and LGBTQ friendly; in light of the fact that you stated that one of the reasons why you left the USA was because of how America treated Black men, why did you not say whether the countries were “Black “ friendly?
As portrayed by the wonderful farmers and fishermen who are fighting back against their government threatening their livelihood. I’d agree
After seeing how tyrannical they got with the scamdemic. No thanks
Nice sharing great video

I would move to Iceland, I maybe in the minority but the weather doesn’t bother me. I’ve visited and the landscaping in the summer and the winter is extraordinary plus the wild horses on the country sides. The country is LGBTQ friendly and family oriented. The cost of living is expensive but they have national healthcare and it’s ranked high in being the safest country and has a modern infrastructure.
Great video…always good to see y'all…